Wednesday, June 22, 2016

GIS 4102/5103: Week 6 - Python Geoprocessing

This past week we learned how to manipulate tools in ArcMap by using Python.  Shown below are the results of using three different tools: AddXY, Buffer, and Dissolve.  I was able to add XY coordinates to the attribute table of the hospitals.shp layer by using the AddXY tool.  I also created a 1000 meter buffer around the hospital features using the buffer tool.  And finally, I learned how to use the dissolve tool which dissolves the hospital buffers into a separate, single feature.  I also managed to enable overwrite output so can continue to run the script, even if the file exists.  Last but not least, I printed the messages using the GetMessages() tool, which is what's shown below.  
I enjoyed this assignment because it was pretty easy to comprehend and it wasn't that difficult.  I feel like I'm beginning to understand Programming more and more as the class goes on.  I'm looking forward to learning more tools and different scripts. 

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