Saturday, September 17, 2016

GIS 4035: Remote Sensing; Week 4 - Ground Truthing

This week we continued with the Land Use and Land Cover map that was created last week.  This assignment was focused on ground truthing, which entails a personal visit to sites in the field to verify the land use or land cover located at a given location.  There are three different types of ground truthing and those as followed: 1.) In-situ data collection used to identify and guide range of variability of classification/interpretation; 2.) In-situ data collection used to conduct an accuracy assessment to verify that classification/interpretation is correct; and 3.) In-situ collection using a hand held field spectrometer.  For this exercise, we used the second method of ground truthing.  Thirty sample points were randomly selected to show ground truth.  With the help of Google Maps, I was able to identify whether those sample points were true or false.  The green points shown below are marked as "True", which means the street view from Google Maps indicates the same LULC as my map's classification.  The red points shown below are marked as "False", which means that location is found to have a different use, or cover. 

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